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SGA to Co-sponsor Scream Fest

SGA covered various topics during their weekly Monday night meeting. Homecoming week and events were reviewed. SGA will not be holding a meeting Monday Oct. 20 due to the week of homecoming. President Tyler Barker went over SGAs involvement and participation for each event.

According to Barker, provost Rogers suggested a competition for the tailgate before the homecoming football game. The competition would be a $500 cook-off.

“Essentially how that would work is each organization would submit the best piece of recipe, chicken,  there would be a panel of judges walking around and whatever the judges decide, who has the best chicken, that organization would get $500 to their account. That isn’t final yet, but that is something I’m working on with provost Rogers,” Barker said.

SGA voted whether or not to participate in the cook-off if the competition is made official. The voting was unanimous in favor of participation of the potential cook-off.

SGA will be co-sponsoring with the Black Student League for Halloween festival known as Scream Fest. BSL presented a proposal for Scream Fest to SGA. They asked SGA for $400 from SGA to go towards food for the event.

The amount for food BSL expected to pay was $372.56 if the food was to be purchased at Walmart and $711.43 if they used the catering service. They expect to have around 500 students attend the event. In previous years it has been a success and they have run out of food. Last year BSL spent $1500 towards the event.

Vice President Nicholas Buford went over the first visitation day which is Nov. 1. The admissions department requested the help of SGA for the event. Many SGA senators volunteered to be a part of the event and help out with tours and a booth in the gym.

Buford also informed SGA of a meeting he and a few other students have had with President McKinney about the Remnant Trust. The Remnant Trust is a company that owns several historical documents and books.

“Myself and a couple other students were invited to meet with the CEO of Remnant Trust. VSU will have a series of Remnant Trust historical documents from the month of January until July,” Buford said.

According to Buford, he and the other students who met with President McKinney discussed bringing the CEO of The Remnant Trust to VSU as a guest speaker to give a lecture.

“It’s something that’s going to be very big for our university,” Buford said.

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