Home / Fall 2015 / To Lecture or not to lecture?: Professors debate on whether or not to keep lecture classes

To Lecture or not to lecture?: Professors debate on whether or not to keep lecture classes

Photo taken by Kristin Whitman/THE SPECTATOR

So, if we got rid of the lectures, would that be a bad thing? There’s many ways to look at this; on the plus side, perhaps students would be more engaged in class. Many students veer towards visual learning rather than auditory learning, especially the young people of this generation who are so inspired by technology and social media. In fact, Pearson Hall eTeach says that 65 percent of students are visual learners. But if we took lecturing away, would the professors be able to explain the lesson in its entirety through visual exercises, videos, and reading assignments? Would students be forced to read more on their own and teach themselves?

“As long as there is still availability for students to take the lecture courses by choice, I think it’s fine,” said Toi Allen, a senior American sign language/interpreting major.

The solution may be to find a happy medium. If the class is an hour and 15 minute lecture class, 30 minutes of lecturing is enough and 45 minutes is pushing it. Perhaps, using the first or last half of the class doing something else besides yapping about the book we already read the night before, open the floor to questions, and then move on to a fun video, a hands-on exercise, or some in-class group work to reinforce the learning. Professors could even give us work online instead. It gives our mind a break and makes class more interesting. This not only benefits the students, but the professors as well because the students will pay more attention and actually be excited about class. Isn’t that what all professors want anyways?

Regardless, I don’t think lectures are going away any time soon, but expanding to more non-lecture class options would certainly be more beneficial. In the meantime, a good ‘ole cup of coffee before a lecture class should do the trick!


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