Home / Fall 2015 / VSU students organize protest following recent UMO events

VSU students organize protest following recent UMO events

Protesters raise their fists to celebrate Tim Wolfe's resignation during the Concerned Students 1950 protest on Monday, Nov. 9 2015, in Columbia, Mo. (Michael Cali/San Diego Union-Tribune/TNS)

Written by Julia Rodriquez, Asst. Opinions Editor

A silent protest took place Nov. 12 in solidarity with protests against alleged racist actions at the University of Missouri.

According to the Washington Post, Tim Wolfe, president of the University of Missouri, was accused of not efficiently handling racist incidents on campus. The Washington Post further explains that these unaddressed incidents included the “n-word” being yelled at a group of black students who were doing a skit on stage and a swastika being drawn on the wall of a dormitory with human feces.

The swastika incident was not handled even after it happened multiple times, according to The New York Times.  A protest resulted due to the events.

Graduate student Jonathan Butler went on a hunger strike in protest and refused to eat until Wolfe had resigned. In addition, many of the teachers on campus cancelled classes for two days in order to conduct a teach-in focusing on race relations.

These actions made a significant impact according to New York Times; however, what truly set things in motion was the football team announcing its refusal to play. The head coach supported the refusal and just one game not being played could cost the university $1 million dollars.

Ultimately, the president did resign.  According to New York Times, democratic Governor Jay Nixon said, “Tim Wolfe’s resignation was a necessary step toward healing and reconciliation on the University of Missouri campus, and I appreciate his decision to do so.”

According to the media coverage, students were extremely happy with their success.

The campus has begun healing from these incidents since the resignation of the president.  In addition, the New York Times says that the university has hired a diversity, inclusion and equity officer in order to help things along and give students the support they need to feel comfortable on campus.






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