Written by Julie Jernigan, Staff Writer
It’s a Kardashian world and we’re just living in it, or Jenner to be exact. Kendall and Kylie Jenner, 20 and 18 respectively, have accomplished more in their lifetime than we ever could, and they haven’t made it to 21 yet. Whether their success is from nepotism or hard work is a whole other story.
When they’re not filming Keeping up with the Kardashians, they’re modeling, making fashion lines, becoming authors (a sci-fi book…I’m just going to let that one sink in), and being social media queens. And if that wasn’t enough, they just came out with their own video game like big sis Kim Kardashian (riding on the back of her success I see…wouldn’t be the first time). Kim reportedly earned $200 million in revenue for Glu mobile, the developer of both games, in 2014 from her own game Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, according to Forbes.
Kendall and Kylie’s game is similar to Kim’s as both have the same premise: to become famous for being famous like they did. A player can travel to different cities as they become available, and party at events and social gatherings to earn fans. He or she can customize their avatar with clothes similar to Ken and Ky’s wardrobe, and can even go as specific as what kind of makeup someone prefers. A player can buy property and furniture, and go on dates with strangers to help gain status.
To be honest, I was addicted to playing Kim K’s game when it came out, and I played all. The. Time. I even made it to the number one person in Hollywood. I know, I’m a very sad person. When I heard the Jenners were coming out with a game, I told myself, “No, you can’t do this to yourself again. It’s not worth it, and it’ll probably be the same as Kim’s.” But I downloaded it for the sake of journalism.
Okay, it’s not the “best” game out there (I’d give it 6 out of 10), but if anyone is looking for a mind-numbing yet addicting game, then this one is for them. This whole game is basically clicking on stars to earn points and fake money to buy fake clothes for a fake lifestyle. Kendall and Kylie’s game is geared toward people around their age, so it’s more social media prevalent in that whenever an event is finished a player posts a picture with a comment, and it’s like their form of Instagram. Also, when he or she starts the game, they have to essentially start as a YouTuber and vlog about everything they do.
I will say though, Kendall and Kylie interact with the players more than Kim K ever did. Whenever anyone completes a big milestone in the game a video of the real life K and K pop up to send you a congratulations. It seems as if I’m actually their friend, however pathetic that sounds.
This game is free in the Apple app store and on Google Play, and works across many devices.