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How to pass that class

Failing a course isn’t the end of the world, we’ve all been there some way or another. Whether it was from partying too hard, or dedicating more time to the clubs than to the books, it’s not too hard to fall off the band wagon from time to time.

Good grades are hard to come by, especially if you’re an undergrad struggling to juggle all the aspects of campus life while maintaining that elusive 4.0 GPA. So when you start to slip, and your A’s and B’s start turning into C’s and D’s, how can you jump back on and have your grade stay in tip top shape?

First, you need to act as soon as you realize that your grade is in jeopardy. Before you panic and stress, have a look at your grades.  Determine if the class is worth staying in, or if you can drop the course.

Make sure you talk to your professors before you drop, there’s always a chance that your grade can be saved. Most professors are more than willing to help students improve in their class performance if the student is willing to work hard.

Don’t make excuses when talking to your professor. Take responsibility for how your grade has turned out. Your professor will see the sincerity in your actions and will help you improve as much as they can. Follow their advice, but don’t wait until the last minute to meet with them. It might be too late.

Talk to your advisor if the course in jeopardy is a requirement for your major. There might be a chance for you to re-take the class later or substitute it for another course. Take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to you.

The next step in improving your grade is to get organized. It might sound silly, but organization is known to help students make good grades. We’re not talking about organization in terms of having your closet color coordinated, but in terms of knowing what you’re doing in your class.  Do you know when your assignments are due? When that big midterm is coming up? Do you know what chapter you’re going over? If you don’t then you should invest in a planner. They’re a handy and convenient tool that you can use to keep up with all your school work and stay organized. A good tip is to go through your class syllabus and put down every exam date and every assignment due date.

Make it your mission to check your planner at least three times a day. If you do this then you will always be up to date on what needs to be done and won’t miss any assignments.

If you’re in need of a tutor, make use of the student success center. It’s a great tool at the disposal of any student. No need to be embarrassed about going, the tutors are there to help you. Would you rather be embarrassed about needing a tutor or failing a class?

Finally, take the time to study, dedication is key. Don’t procrastinate. Take at least 1-2 hours of study time per day.

Following these steps and keeping yourself motivated will surely help you improve your grades. It’s important to hold yourself accountable and stay up to date with your schoolwork. Good grades are hard to come by, and easy to lose. Don’t give up and you’ll definitely succeed.

Story by Chloe Bradshaw, Staff Writer.

Photo courtesy of Valdosta State University. 

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