Home / Campus Life / Gloga will light up your yoga routine

Gloga will light up your yoga routine

VSU’s Student Recreational Center hosts an event called “Gloga,” a twist on normal yoga, but glow in the dark. From the upbeat music to the laughs between friends, instructor Devin Fuller provided the class with a fun time.

Sophomore, psychology major, Angelynn Johnson could not have agreed more.

“I would maybe take the class again if it wasn’t so crowded,” Johnson said. “It would’ve been more relaxing, but other than that the teachers were spectacular, and seeing all of us glow in the dark was fun.”

Fuller made sure everyone received the same amount of attention and corrected motions if needed. Fuller also made sure there were no injuries during any motion.

“I have been teaching yoga for about a year and a half now and when it comes big events, I don’t see a lot of change,” Fuller said. “I do see more people coming out than I would see for a normal yoga class, but when it does come to my normal yoga classes, I do see a lot of improvements. Not only physically, but mentally because while it is a physical practice, it is also a physical and emotional practice.”


Fuller had great advice for the class and made sure everyone enjoyed themselves.

“I didn’t just wake up and know how to do every yoga position; it takes practice,” Fuller said. “So, if you do want to get better and get the chance to practice every day, do that. Also, know your limits. Remember to start low and build up high.”

“Gloga” is a great experience for first time yoga students and students who have perfected every yoga position they can. It is an unforgettable event for anyone who attends.

Story by Kaitlyn Baich, Staff Writer. Photos by Seth Willard, Photo Editor. 

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