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Is campus lit? Students think no

Because VSU is a public campus, I never know who could be walking behind me on my way to night classes. This is why it is important for the campus to be fully lit at all times.

“Certain areas on campus can get really creepy if you are by yourself at night,” Dante Hutcherson, a sophomore broadcast journalism major, said. “I think that more lights would be beneficial.”

Since I am a commuter, I have to walk to the Oak Street parking lot from main campus quite often at night. I am very hesitant walking by myself, and I prefer to have a friend walking with me because it is so dark in that area.

English professor, Rebecca Gaskins, pointed out that the campus is well lit in certain areas such as the pedestrian walkways, but it could be much brighter.

“Right around Powell Hall it is still too dark going to the dorms which concerns me,” Gaskins said. “I would like that area to be much brighter for the students. Also, there is some light near the library, but not enough at night. What concerns me the most are the patches of darkness around campus. I do not want my students to be walking through patches of darkness because there could be someone off campus hidden in them.”

Junior political sciences major, Kaylon Day, suggests VSU do more to ensure students are safe during the day and night.

“Being a woman alone, at night, is not the safest here in Valdosta,” Day said. “I know there are several apps or devices out there now that if you feel unsafe, you can just hold down the button until you get to where you are going. Those services typically cost money, but I feel like VSU should offer a similar free service to students not only limited to those taking night classes.”

Even though there are times I do not feel safe on campus, I know the UPD is a call away. The police provide a free walking escort to any member of the VSU community at any location and time. These services put my mind at ease when walking alone, but I should feel safe enough that I do not have to call an escort.

The only way I would feel safe is if the campus had more lighting. The lighting provides me with a sense of security, and it reassures me that if someone was coming, I would see them.

Freshman criminal justice major, Caleb Dewitt, stated he feels safe on campus regardless of the lights.

“The dark does not bother me much,” Dewitt said. “I feel safe at night. However, in certain areas, such as the overpass on the way to the Oak Street parking deck, it is really dark and could use more lights especially after a long night at the library.”

Overall, students and faculty can both agree that the campus is too dark at night, and there should be more lighting in the dark areas around campus.

Story by Callie Pirkle, Staff Writer. Photo by Darla Dunning, Content Editor. 

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