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VSU proposes new alcohol policy

VSU’s proposed new campus-wide comprehensive alcohol-use policy is currently posted for public comment through the month of November, and could, if approved, be official policy soon after.

Under the current arrangement, the general alcohol policy is handled by Student Affairs, while the alcohol at events policy is handled by University Advancement.

According to Student Affairs Vice President Vincent Miller, the revamped policy would contain all of the same information as the prior policies, combined for the sake of efficiency.

“The largest priority was to establish one policy for the university instead of the two currently on record,” he said. “It was confusing for those requesting use of event space on campus to know what policy to review and follow should they choose to request permission for alcohol service on campus.”

If the proposed policy is made official, there would only be one source to consult for requesting permission or clarification of the rules in general.

Miller says the hope is that this will prevent any errors in interpreting the policy that could be caused by discrepancies between the two current documents, should change occur in one and not the other.

“Additionally, the Student Code of Conduct and Student Organization Handbook provides oversight for student and student organization activity, so duplicating those expectations in multiple policies leaves room for error should something change in one document or the other,” he said.

Further changes would take place most notably in the section of the document regarding the serving of alcohol at events. A list of parties exempted from the policy is included, a change from the current policy.

Corporate tents and skyboxes along with tailgaters at athletic or other university events are among those exempted. Also exempt are guests of the university president at official meetings.

Residents of legal drinking age at residence halls owned by the Department of Housing and Residential Life are subject to the rules and policies of that department, and as such are also exempt.

The proposal has been posted on the university’s website for comment until Nov. 30. The policy can be accessed here: https://www.valdosta.edu/administration/policies/

Story by Robert Davison, Assistant Campus Life Editor. Photo by Flickr. 

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