“I voted for Lucci for the spring concert because I like his music a lot,” Amari Jones, a sophomore early childhood education major, said.
“I voted for Dolph because of the possibility of him bringing other well-known artist with him,” Raekwon Williams, a senior art major, said.
“I voted for Waka Flocka because he was the only name I recognized,” Snowflake Stubli, a freshman theatre production major, said.
“I voted for Dolph because I’ve seen all the other guys and I like Dolph a lot,” Geoffrey Davidson, a sophomore exercise physiology major, said.
“I voted for Waka Flocka because I listen to his music more than I do any of the other artist,” Jaylah Wells, a freshman biology major, said.
Story and photos by Briana Salem, Staff Writer.
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