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The Mu Omicron chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. hosted their annual NPHC All-Star game on Saturday. The event raised money for the Haven Women's Shelter.

All-Star Weekend features Hoops and Haven

Saturday the Mu Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated hosted their All-Star weekend with a National Pan-Hellenic Council Philanthropy All-Star Basketball Game.

The basketball game included members of the six active NPHC chapters at VSU and was planned and setup by Mu Omicron Chapter Vice President Zachary Bradshaw and Social Chair Rodney McSwain.

“As an Alpha man, the number one goals are service and scholarship,” McSwain said.

The Alphas practiced their emphasis in service, partnering with other NPHC organizations to gift The Haven Battered Women’s Shelter with a $150 donation to alleviate their loss of 80 percent of their funding.

“Community service means a lot, it’s why we joined this fraternity,” Bradshaw said. “We want to uplift the community and create a bigger platform to impact a lot more people.”

The Haven is a non-profit 24-hour shelter to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Their goal is to provide victims with the necessary information and support to transition out of a violent situation into a successful and independent life.

The Haven was recently affected by the government shutdown, which is what prompted the chapters to unite and give back to them.

“We found out that The Haven lost 80 percent of their funding due to the government shutdown, so as brothers we sat down and thought of a way to help them,” McSwain explained.

The All-Star weekend consisted of a Good Friday gathering, partnered with the Black Student League and NAACP, Saturday’s basketball game, and Sunday’s Adopt-a-Road cleanup.

Written by Gerald Thomas III, Engagement Editor. Photo submitted by Jamontray Mike. 

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