Home / ENTERTainment / Frights & Delights at Wild Adventure’s Terror in the Wild
Camp Hackaway: the perfect place to get away with it all.

Frights & Delights at Wild Adventure’s Terror in the Wild

With Halloween right around the corner, Wild Adventures has opened up their annual Terror in the Wild attractions. With four new attractions designed to scare the pants off its victims, Terror in the Wild is always a fun time for those looking for a fright . To give you a little detail on how scary the rides are, here’s a ranking of all the attractions based on scariness and overall enjoyment.

9) Last Stop Tire Shop– This one wasn’t all that great. Probably my least favorite of all the attractions. It was a cool concept with a lame execution.

8) Red’s Revenge– Another attraction that didn’t meet my expectations. The same issues I had with the previous attraction apply to this one as well, except I do think the overall concept of Red’s Revenge is better.

7) The Mine– The Mine was not really that scary in all honesty. Basically, you just walked through and there were a few anti-climactic jump scares.

6) Final Harvest– Final Harvest was decent. It wasn’t overly terrifying, but it got me a few times I must admit. Definitely wasn’t a favorite of mine.

5) Happy Acres Asylum– I’m always a sucker for haunted asylums. This one was pretty good, although I’ve seen scarier.

4) The Price is Fright– This was a very good attraction! One of my favorite concepts out of all the attractions, and it was so much fun!

3) Wasteland– This was a creepy attraction to say the least. Very interesting backstory, and definitely one of my favorites.

2) Carn-Evil 3-D Maze– The Carn-Evil 3-D Maze was absolutely the best new attraction. It was just the right amount of creepy and fun, and I really enjoyed navigating my way through the maze.

1) Camp Hackaway– This is the attraction I was most excited for beforehand. I must say, this is my favorite attraction overall. I just love the concept of it, and I was genuinely scared the whole way through.

Written by Torrence Weaver, staff writer. Photo courtesy of Wild Adventures.

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