Home / News / Campus News / The Life You Save May Be Your Own: VSU hosts domestic violence awareness event
VSU's African American Studies and Women and Gender Studies will partner with Orr Productions to host domestic violence awareness event The Life You Save May Be Your Own on Oct. 26.

The Life You Save May Be Your Own: VSU hosts domestic violence awareness event

Violence has a way of hitting you when you least expect it.

Every day we see it on the news, but violence isn’t something a screen can always you protect from.

Some of the most insidious violence comes from places where you thought you were safe, in the familiar arms of your spouse, parent, or sibling.

On Oct. 26, the African American Studies and Women and Gender Studies will partner up with Marie’s Story and Orr Productions to present “The Life You Save May Be Your Own,” an event to help educate and inform VSU students and visitors about the different aspects of your life such a violence can corrupt.

Domestic violence is not a simple evil. It comes in many shapes and forms, from the emotional to the physical, the abusive to the coercive.

Georgia is no stranger to it. In fact, Georgia ranks 25th in the nation in the rate of women killed by men.

According to the 2018 Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence Annual Report, in the 46 Georgia-certified domestic violence programs, there have been 6,152 sheltered victims and accompanying children, 45,715 answered crisis line calls, and 452,998 nights of shelter provided.

There were 2,753 victims and children who did not receive shelter due to lack of bed space.

The event, hosted inside the Magnolia Room at VSU’s University Center, will begin at 2 p.m. and will be free for VSU students to attend, provided they bring their ID, and a $15 admission fee for non-VSU guests, taken at the door or on Eventbrite.

It will include an open panel and will involve Orr Production’s play “Marie’s Story,” which is loosely based on the plot of Terri Steward’s first book, “Playing While Hurt”.

“We want to allow people to tell their stories, give them a safe space to share,” Steward, who is very involved with the event, said.

All proceeds will be sent to aid victims of domestic violence through The Haven, a local non-profit agency that provides emergency temporary shelter and services to victims of family violence and sexual assault.

The attire for the event is purple. Purple shirts, pants, shoes or glasses. Go through everything you own and find that shade of violet, lavender, plum or lilac that shows support for the event.

After the event’s planned programming, a food reception will be held for attendees.

For more information please contact Steward at tssteward@gmail.com or (404) 482-1720.

If you believe yourself or someone else to be the victim of domestic violence, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline today at 1-800-799-7233.

Written by Payton Fletcher, Editor-in-Chief. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

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