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Courses can be both fun and beneficial to your academic career.

Which courses should you enroll in?

Registration for spring semester is now open. It can be hard to decide what classes you should take; some students would like for the classes to be both interesting and beneficial and that is possible.

Classes that you are required to take can end up being enjoyable for you.

Janai Green, sophomore and nursing major, was required to take sociology due to her major. She previously did not have an interest in sociology but once she took the course, she found interest in it.

“The sociology class with Professor Thomas Hoschild is a great course to take due to the fact that the professor made the course interesting as well as informational,” she said. “In the class we learned about people’s interactions with others along with how they interact with other things.”

Elective and perspective courses are also required, but with these classes you have more diversity regarding the subject.

Briana Rush, sophomore and nursing major, said that it is important for African American students to learn their history, therefore, she recommends an African American Studies course.

Some students recommended taking your core classes first so that you can get them out of the way; also, this way the information you learned pertaining your major will be fresh in your mind going into your career filed.

Other students recommended taking classes that pertain to your major first so that you can get decide if that major is something you actually want to pursue.

If you are a psychology major or you need an elective, I recommend Sociology 1160, Intro to Social Problems with Professor Andrea Ramirez. In this class you will have intense and interesting discussions about problems we face in society today.

A great course to take for mass media majors would be Computer Mediated Comm with Professor Talley Mulligan. In this class you will learn the basic tools needed for photoshop and video editing. This class allows you to tap into your creativity and analyze media that we see on a regular day basis.

VSU has a diverse catalog of courses that students can take. When picking classes, its all up to what works for you and what you are interested in.

Written by Breannia Stillwell, Staff Writer. Photo courtesy of The Spectator.

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