Home / Entertainment / People Poll: Do you prefer Xbox or PlayStation?
Graphic by Bethany Davis, Graphic Designer.

People Poll: Do you prefer Xbox or PlayStation?


Maegan Calhoun, freshman music education major

“PlayStation most definitely. I just prefer the layout of the controller and it’s a lot cheaper for online gaming in my opinion.”


Dominick Jones, sophomore art major

“PlayStation. I’ve grown up with PlayStation and I have never really changed. Also, because the controller is bigger than Xbox so it fits in my hand more.”

Ellie Lehto, freshman American Sign Language and English interpretation

“PlayStation. I’ve always been a PlayStation girl ever since my parents bought my brother and I a PlayStation 2 way back when. We had the best times playing Jack and Daxter, Lego Star Wars and Battlefront.”

Andrew Harris, junior computer science major

“I actually use a PC. If I had to choose one of the consoles it would be PlayStation. They have better exclusives and ultimately when you’re playing, you care about the games. If there are not good games, what’s the point of good hardware?”

Dean Maida, freshman music major

“I prefer Xbox just because I grew up with it, so I’m more familiar with the system. If I had a PlayStation in my life, I would probably enjoy it just as much as Xbox, and since PlayStation has some games that Xbox doesn’t have and vice versa, I would most likely just think of them as consoles with different uses. I’m not much for picking favorites for stuff that I treat casually.”

Written by Gwen Friedman, Assistant Social Media Editor. Photos submitted by students/taken by Gwen Friedman.

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