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Teachers provide Advice for Student Success

The pandemic has exasperated families, students’ mental health is in a massive decline and many are simply too overwhelmed by the thought of attending another four years of classes and exams.

However, professors have pulled together tips for students to help them do well and stay motivated during college.

Dr. Donald Thieme, associate professor of geosciences, highlighted common tips that help students in the long run, specifically reading the syllabus.

“Make sure to know due dates and what materials you are supposed to use for each assignment and how course points are awarded,” Dr. Thieme said.

Thieme also said limiting social media and internet entertainment while in college will help to give students enough time to complete assignments on time.

“Make enough time for taking online quizzes and completing assignments or writing papers.” Thieme said. ”Try not to put them off until the last minute, and postpone other internet and social media use in preference to school.”

Dr. Thomas Manning, professor of chemistry, said a good idea is to read and research using literature and documents that aren’t native to you.

“I would recommend reading as much as you can and read from diverse sources, so you see how the world works,” Dr. Manning said. “Not novels, but about the world we live in, past present and future—try to look up and read about two-three things a day.”

The idea being to expand your horizons bit by bit, into knowing a little about a lot.

Dr. Kendric Coleman said to consider certain things when applying to your university of choice.

“Is it urban or rural? Are the dorms up to date and comfortable? Will the weather be suitable for you? What about cost,” said Dr. Coleman.

Story by Amanda Russell, staff writer. Photo courtesy of Bailey Storey.

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