“Are you concerned with the amount of debt you will be in after graduation from student loans or credit cards, and how do you plan on getting out of it?” Ashli Rastegar, senior, English major “I don’t have a credit card, but I plan on paying off student loans with monthly payments until I die.” Brittany Bell, sophomore, ...
Read More »People Poll: What’s your favorite Halloween candy?
Andrea Hill – Political science, Sophomore “Snickers, because I have expensive taste.” Sierra Ruth – Mass Media, Sophomore “Reese’s pieces! You can’t just have one.” Samira Brooks – History, Junior “White chocolate Reese’s. I like to eat the edges first, because the peanut butter is the best part.” Tyrell Tugwell – Communications, Senior “Swedish Fish, because I like the way ...
Read More »People Poll: Is Facebook a Distraction?
“Not a distraction for me, but I know some people that it is, that have to get on it everyday.” Brittany Paynes, junior, nursing “Yeah, definite distraction.” Blair Higginbotham, sophomore, special education “It depends on the person and when they get on it, but it can also help you if you need to ask someone for help in a class.” ...
Read More »People Poll: How do you feel about Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize?
Justin Grier Senior history major “If he was nominated then why not let him win. I don’t understand why people are coming at him in a negative way for winning.” Joseph Williams Freshman English major “I’m just indifferent about it. It’s just a money thing anyway. He got into office because of money and you get more money because ...
Read More »People Poll: How much drinking is too much?
Jake Jones Sophomore Poli. Sci. major “My friend, who doesn’t drink takes my keys away from me when I’ve had enough.” Chelsey Griffin Senior Biology major “Me personally, I know when I’ve had enough when I start doing cartwheels and hand stands.” Aftab Fazal Freshman chemistry major “When my friends start getting rowdy and out of control, then it’s time ...
Read More »People Poll: Which Do You Prefer… Vampires or Zombies?
Brittany Dove Freshmen Public Relations major “Zombies, because vampires are over-rated.” James Earp Junior Mass Media major “Zombies because they freaking kick butt and I would rather be eaten where my body is going to something useful than drained.” Aerolyn Shaw Sophomore Public Relations major “Vampires, because they are more romantisized than zombies, and they are able to ...
Read More »People Poll: Which do you prefer: Hopper or Palms?
Cameron Woods Senior Computer Technology major “I’m a commuter student so I don’t really eat there and it’s irrelevant to my campus life. If I’m going to pay cash, I rather get what I like, so I cook.” Alex Perry Junior Business Management major “I think there should just be one because they both have almost the same thing except ...
Read More »People Poll: What did you think when Kanye West took the mic?
William Knight Freshman Middle Grade Education major “I wouldn’t expect anything less from Kanye” Lauren Smith Sophomore Nursing major “I agree with Obama, Kanye’s a jackass!” Leonte Mims Senior Mass Communications major “He messed up that young girl’s moment. He was so out of place. Got to act your age Kanye, MTV let it air, they wanted ratings, they wanted ...
Read More »People Poll: What’s the story behind your tattoo?
Professor Rick Carpenter English Professor “There isn’t any meaning behind it- I have it completely for aesthetics.” Rebecca Lynn Ross Senior English major “I wanted something that represented balance and duality.” Kalli Thorton Freshman Nursing major “It’s for the memory of a friend that passed away in a car accident.” Danielle Rae Henak Freshman Psychology major “For religious purposes- it ...
Read More »People Poll: How does swine flu on-campus make you feel?
Dyeshera Anderson Freshman Psychology major “Personally, I would be scared but I’m sure the Health Center is taking care of it and South Georgia Medical Center is taking care of it so I’m kind of at ease about it.” Lauren Sanders Sophmore Pre- Pharmacy major “I didn’t know. Scary.” Ryan Smith Sophmore Education major “I think it’s an over-reaction. I ...
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