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Search Results for: sga

SGA Election results announced

Written by  Darla Dunning, Asst. Opinions Editor With over 670 votes submitted, the Student Government announced its new and returning representatives for the next academic year. Maya Mapp, a political science major, was elected as SGA President for a second year, as 500 students voted for Maya to remain president and 172 voted to abstain. Mapp gave her input over ...

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SGA Meeting turned Q&A Session: SGA discusses elimination of Student Organization Offices and more

Written by Julie Jernigan, Asst. Copy Editor Monday’s SGA meeting ran a little differently than normal. Besides the usual agenda, the executive board held a Q&A session with the student body to discuss any of their concerns. The decision to eliminate the student organization offices was one of the main discussion topics. Maya Mapp, president of SGA, said the decision ...

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SGA finds ways to encourage orgs to apply for funding with new changes

Written by Cynthia Papailler, Staff Writer The Blazer Allocation Process was the main subject during this week’s SGA meeting. The Senators spent majority of the meeting going over the new changes to the guidelines in which students would have to follow to access funding. Up until now, the Blazer Allocation Process entailed co-sponsorship when pertaining to allocating funds to student organizations ...

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SGA takes two step forward, one step back

Written by Juston Lewis, Asst. Sports Editor Growth and stagnation, the weekly SGA meeting featured both. The start of the weekly meeting seemed promising as two new senators were voted in almost unanimously. Clinesha Sims, a sophomore psychology major, was approved as well as D’Layna Jonas, a sophomore psychology major and Spanish minor. The two senators were excited to join ...

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Proposed Bill stirs controversial conversation in SGA

Written by Bryce Ethridge, Asst. Entertainment Editor Senator Silas David returned from his hiatus Monday to propose a bill with the potential to change the way SGA operates. “I felt like this bill needed to be presented and I’m ready to get back to work,” David said. David proposed the “Good March” bill which would cause a temporary prohibition of ...

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SGA makes changes

Written by Hunter Terrell, Opinions Editor The Student Government Association finalized major changes to its constitution this week. Senators concluded that the judicial branch played an “insignificant role” in SGA, so they decided to make it a two branch organization. The student judicial board still exists as a division of the Conduct office, but it is independent of SGA. In ...

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SGA signals a power shift with new vice president

Written by Juston Lewis, Staff Writer It’s only four weeks into the new semester and the Student Government Association has already made substantial changes for the future. Monday’s weekly meeting began with Sen. Adam Slaton being sworn in as the new vice president of SGA. The former vice president, Othellious Cato, stepped down from the responsibility. The vice president job ...

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SGA proposes impeachment

Written by Juston Lewis, Stadd Writer A rarity occurred at the weekly SGA meeting when Senator Dillon Rountree was proposed for impeachment by Senator Aisha Johnson. SGA held its weekly public meeting on Monday night even with the absence of SGA president Maya Mapp who was in Atlanta working on the Presidential Search Committee. The meeting was conducted by SGA ...

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SGA meeting features guests, music

Written by Hunter Terrell, Staff Writer  VSU’s Student Government Association hosted its weekly meeting with the addition of four guest speakers as well as a performance from a senator’s band. The first order of business came from Shawn Pippen. He provided the senators with updates about VSU’s annual Haunted Trail. Pippen asked senators to come out, promote and encourage student ...

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SGA discusses sponsorships, legislation

Written by Jada Dukes, Staff Writer VSU SGA’s most recent meeting included talks of sponsorships, officer positions, campus events and new legislation. The meeting began with a presentation from two members of the on-campus fraternity, Kappa Alpha Si. Two members came before the senate to ask for a co-sponsorship from SGA in the amount of $350 for their annual leadership ...

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