The look of a college student who has had class all day and is spending the remainder of their night at a part-time job is unmistakable. They may seem irritable, angry, or completely emotionless. While the job itself may warrant a bit of pity from customers, sometimes it’s the school grades of the worker that may be pitiful. School ...
Read More »Tips for test anxiety
In college, the idea of taking a test may cause more anxiety than it did in high school. Tests seem to be worth more in your undergrad classes because professors may give out few grades, causing your midterm and final to weigh heavily on your final grade. The fact that one poor test grade could ruin your chances of passing ...
Read More »Students need to get more sleep, just not in classes
Kristin Shannon Staff Writer We’ve all seen or been one of those students who slowly drift into sleep during the middle of a class lecture. The slam of a professor’s book on their podium or the gentle tap of a fellow classmate usually wakes up the class sleeper. But what is the reason for the inappropriate nap time? Often, ...
Read More »Volleyball ready for West Georgia
Kristin Shannon Staff Writer Although the Lady Blazers continue to hold their lead in the GSC east division going into Friday night’s match against West Georgia, the players may still have a sour taste in their mouth after last week’s match against Flagler. VSU had two wins over West Georgia last season and hopes to achieve the same success ...
Read More »I Can Do Bad All by Myself, Because Surely No Help Was Needed
By Kristin Shannon Last Friday, Tyler Perry’s “I Can Do Bad All by Myself” opened nationwide. Despite taking in $24 million and placing number one at the box office opening weekend, I initially had no desire to fork over the $8.50 from my very bare wallet. While I am a Perry supporter, I predicted that this movie, like all of ...
Read More »Have you ever heard of the new Degree Works?
Kristin Shannon Staff Writer Starting this semester, VSU has created a new program called Degree Works. As my editor briefly explained to me the purpose of Degree Works, I felt uneasy about the program. I have known several students to have trouble following the track of their major with the help of their advisor. It seemed as though the ...
Read More »GHP infested summers irritate VSU students
Kristin Shannon Staff Writer At one point in time, summer days meant sleeping in, no school, and limited interaction with my high school classmates. However summer life at VSU is quite the opposite: part-time jobs, long classes, and hundreds of high school students flooding the campus. Maymester goes by quickly and quietly for most students. As the second session ...
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