Earl Williams, a 51 year old formerly homeless man from New Jersey, is one of the many people who have benefitted from Valdosta’s charitable efforts, and now he is opening his doors to spread his own goodwill. “Wednesday of last week, I invited three homeless men to my house to get them out of the cold,” Williams said. “When I ...
Read More »Where We Stand Debate of College Democrats and College Republicans
VSU’s branch of NAACP will host the Where We Stand Debate Thursday at 7 p.m., in the Jeanette Lecture Hall 1111. The event will be connected to the Dewar College of Education. According to Deandre Jones, president of VSU NAACP, the event is designed to engage students in an intellectual discussion. “It’s going to include some of the most provoking ...
Read More »SGA covers funding and blood drive
During Monday night’s meeting in Powell Hall, SGA covered funding approvals, several committee reports from the senate, the annual blood drive and the organization’s representation on faculty senate committees. In new business, both the Honors Student Association and the Film and Video Society were approved to receive funding for sponsoring events. According to SGA Comptroller John McCall junior health and ...
Read More »Withdrawal deadline today
VSU students have until 11:59:59 p.m. today to withdraw from a class without penalty. As of Fall 2010, all undergraduate students were limited to five course withdrawals, listed as a “W” on their transcript, within their entire enrollment at VSU. All withdrawals thereafter, without extenuating circumstances, will be recorded as “WF”, which for GPA purposes is seen as an “F.” ...
Read More »New senators, events in SGA meeting
The Student Government Association briefly discussed the recent senate retreat, briefed last week’s town hall meeting, and covered several other miscellaneous announcements during Tuesday night’s meeting in Powell Hall. Derika Powers, SGA vice president, noted that the senators progressed last week. “Last week was one of the first times that our senators could exercise their knowledge of making motions, debating, ...
Read More »SGA wants students to talk
All VSU students were invited to attend SGA’s first official town hall meeting which was held Tuesday night in the Jennett Lecture Hall Room. The meeting was an informal one, created with the purpose of encouraging VSU students to come out and talk to the members of SGA about any thoughts, concerns or ideas to help improve VSU. “It’s supposed ...
Read More »SGA covers new plans for senate
The Student Government Association discussed the freshmen election results, senate seat nominations, as well as a sergeant at arms nomination, and mentioned a senate retreat scheduled in October as well as homecoming committee activities planned for that week during Monday night’s meeting in the Student Union. SGA president Graham Davis was pleased with the meeting’s turnout of newly welcomed freshmen ...
Read More »Committee starts presidential search
A 12 member committee comprised of VSU administration, faculty, and officials have begun a national search to replace former VSU President Patrick Schloss, who stepped down in late June.
Read More »SGA reviews elections
SGA held its first meeting of the semester at the University Center on Monday evening. Among topics discussed were suggestions from Dean Russell Mast about student safety, freshman elections, and the voting results from last semester’s election. Mast greeted the senate and suggested that the senate focus on issues that have be affecting students including the jay walking tickets that ...
Read More »SGA discusses dining services
The SGA discussed a proposed survey concerning the new dining services provider, mentioned the SGA Elections Announcement Ceremony and passed the motion to make an upcoming cookout mandatory during Monday night’s meeting in the Student Union. The survey was proposed by Senators Jeron Draine and Paul Rosemond. The goal of the survey is to allow students to offer their opinion ...
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