Hookahs have become increasingly popular with VSU’s students, however, its popularity also comes with new health risks. Hookahs are an all-natural tobacco mixed with honey, molasses and fruit extract and is flavored with different scents. Recently, hookahs were found have some of the same health issues as smoking cigarettes. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, hookah is ...
Read More »‘Art After Dark’ displays variety of local artists
Downtown Valdosta is hosting its monthly “Art After Dark” event Friday, September 21 in hopes to bring awareness to local artists. The event is held every third Friday of the month from 6-9 p.m. Everyone is welcome to experience the transformation of downtown Valdosta into a collection of amazing indoor and outdoor galleries. Local artists will be selling their work ...
Read More »Take books, leave others behind at Odum Library
The “Take-One-Leave-One” bookcase, located in Odum Library, has revamped this semester. Previously a cart that read “free books”, the Odum staff decided it was time for a change. The cart has been replaced with a bookshelf located near the reference desk, on the second floor of the library. The redesign of the once cart, has opened up a larger world ...
Read More »Valdosta Wake Compound grand opening
Those who are looking for something exciting and new around Valdosta will soon be able to go to the Valdosta Wake Compound, a cable wakeboard course and one of Valdosta’s newest attractions. The grand opening of the Valdosta grown business is Saturday. The attraction, which opened in late July, has a variety of activities for water-lovers, including wakeboarding, skateboarding and ...
Read More »CMVSU brings chivalry to campus
The Collegiate Men of VSU are continuing to strive toward moral excellence and changing the attitudes of young men. “We specialize in taking young males, and transforming them into supportive men by building a family of men that are like minded in making a way to succeed,” Secretary Samuel Logan, a senior mass-media major, said. According to Logan, the idea ...
Read More »Faculty art show starts off new year
The annual faculty art exhibit kicked off their opening night on Monday evening with tunes from the faculty jazz combo, a croup created to inspire students. The event gave members of VSU’s art faculty an opportunity to show students and members of the community their individualized work. Many of the full-time staff taking part of this exhibit include: Hollis Barnett, ...
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