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Study abroad program helped in China

Every summer at VSU a study abroad program is offered to all students to participate in which includes going to different countries throughout the world. There are more than 17 countries to choose from and range in prices, depending on the place, and from what students and teachers alike say, it is well worth it. Classes are taken in the country of the student’s choice, and count as hours towards graduation. Not only are classes offered, but also field trips are taken as a group and independent travel is also permitted. This allows students to really get a feel of the place they are in, with field trips allowing students to see the city, but alsothey have time to tour it themselves.

Criminal justice major, senior, Jennavieve Kenny says that her trip to China was one of the best experiences she has ever had.

                 “The people were so friendly to us Americans and we ate all sorts of strange foods from tofu to starfish,” she said.

                Kenny and her group of fellow VSU students went to China when devastating earthquakes happened.

                “We donated some of our money to the victims and tried to help any way we could,” Kenny said.

All trips last from three to four weeks in the particular countries and like stated previously, range in price. If the only reason a student thinks that a financial issue is holding them back, the program offers financial aid options to accommodate that student. Even though there are many countries and opportunities to choose from, the first thing you must determine is what country and language you are most interested in studying. Once you have determined that part of the process, go to the Assistant Director of the Center for International Programs (CIP) and they will get to know more about you so that the right decision, regarding the country to study in, can be made.

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