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SGA Recaps Homecoming Week and No More

SGA sported their new polo shirts Monday night where they reviewed the events of homecoming week and discussed opinions they heard from students for each event. The information will be used to better help SGA make the next homecoming better.

Some reviews talked about were the lack of food at the carnival Monday and bad lighting. There were also complaints about the sprinkler system ruining a couple of sidewalk chalk pieces.

4,600 students attended Wednesday’s Wild Adventures night, which was the biggest turnout the event has ever had. SGA will also be working to promote the events and dress up days so students will be more prepared and aware during homecoming week.

A brief discussion about the Faculty Senate meeting was discussed. Provost Rogers discussed faculty salaries and resetting the minimum wage for professors taking into account the amount of years they’ve been teaching and their merit. There was a “big question” during the meeting in regards to why are some assistant professors getting paid more than head professors. The fraternity that got “shut out” for sexual assault was also discussed at the faculty senate meeting.

Vice president of SGA, Nicholas Buford, announced that there are six vacant senator seats left and asked that the senators promote and inform students about becoming a senator. Students wanting to become a senator for SGA will have to fill out a packet that can be found on VSU’s website, attend three SGA meetings, and present a presentation before SGA before the possibility of being voted into the senate.

Senator Quineshia Claiborne updated SGA about the NO MORE Campaign she has been working. There will be a forum Thursday Oct. 30 at 7p.m. in Jeanette Hall.

According to the NO MORE website, NO MORE is a new unifying symbol designed to galvanize greater awareness and action to end domestic violence and sexual assault.

The chief of staff will be in attendance along with the counseling center, SAM and others. Attendees will get to hear personal experiences from guest speakers and see a demonstration in self-defense.

This will not be the last VSU sees of the campaign More information about NO MORE can be found at http://nomore.org/ and any questions or information about the campaign VSU is a part of can be attained through Senator Claiborne who’s email can be found on SGA’s webpage.

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