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Preview: Faculty senate proposes student GPA change

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday to discuss the possibility of introducing a new provision to the way student GPAs are calculated at VSU.

The Senate will discuss that subject and other topics at its regular monthly meeting at the Magnolia Room in the University Center at 3:30 p.m.

At the recent meeting, VSU Provost Robert Smith proposed calculating student GPAs so that students would get credit for the highest grade received, rather than an average of all grades received for a particular class. Smith added that all the grades received would remain on their transcript.

The Senate will further discuss this idea before sending it to the Educational Policies Committee for further consideration.

In addition to the GPA issue, the Senate will consider revising the SOI system to make it more accessible to students. Chief Information Officer Brian Haugabrook will attend the meeting to provide insight on the subject.

Smith brought to attention a system that would allow students to utilize their smart phones to conduct their evaluations of professors.

The meeting is open to the public.

Written by Ashlyn Simons, Staff Writer.

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