Home / News / Joe Biden follows through with 100-day agenda

Joe Biden follows through with 100-day agenda

President Biden transitioned various COVID-19 related policies within his first few days in office.

So far, President Biden is ahead of schedule when it comes to his urgency in accomplishing each aspect of his “100-day agenda”.

On just day one, President Biden reversed multiple Trump orders including Rejoining the WHO (World Health Organization), Rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, Formation of COVID-19 office, Revoking the presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, Revising transitioning Trump administration energy policies, Termination of Trump’s 1776 Commission, Abolish Muslim ban, Cease construction of the U.S.- Mexico border wall, Extension of Liberian deportation protection, Termination of pending Trump Administration’s regulations.

Additionally, a few original executive orders were made by the Biden administration as well. There is now a nationwide mask and social-distancing mandate, which is enforced on all federal property.

A few other executive orders that were made were: Extension of foreclosure and evictions until March, Freeze of monthly student debt payments, Ban against LGBTQ+ discrimination in the workforce, and the implementation of an ethical pledge for all executive officials.

Many of Biden’s proposals such as his $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, will be more difficult to accomplish due to congressional approval.

Other than the Biden administration’s plans for addressing COVID relief packages, distribution of vaccines, and international affairs, the polarization in the United States still remains a significant issue.

In the next few months, we will see if America will truly unite and analyze the difference’s between the Trump and Biden administration in regards to urgency, prioritization, and inclusion.

Written by Jenyla Brown, Staff Writer. Photo courtesy of Flickr.

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