Home / Campus Life / Student entrepreneur ‘locs’ in on dread business at VSU

Student entrepreneur ‘locs’ in on dread business at VSU

Alexis Sawyer, a freshman nursing major, has her own hair business, “Lexi’s Lavish Locs.” Sawyer specializes in re-twisting, repairing and styling dreads and dreadlocks, or a “loctician.”

Since March 2020, people lost their jobs due to the safety of their work environments being compromised by COVID-19. Amongst these people were some college students.

College students already don’t earn a lot of money, and the dependent students were unable to receive. Because of this, students used creativity to start businesses in order to come up with an income.

One of these students include Sawyer.

“In 9th grade my Aunt asked me if I knew how to re-twist hair and do the interlocking method,” she said. “By going through the locking journey, you have to enjoy it.”

Sawyer uses a natural hair product called Loc N Gel and her very own personal hair moisturizer. She also makes her own hair oils where she mixes oil together to work in a variety of ways such as shinier hair, promoting hair growth and can be used on your body as well.

When doing locks on one’s head, Sawyer uses a re-twisting comb and a paring comb for parting the hair in order to work with it. Down below are some pictures of some of her satisfied customers.

Sawyer’s most recurring customer said that she is a professional hair stylist that they recommend people to go .

In terms of the ongoing pandemic, Sawyer explains that COVID-19 does not affect her business, but customers still must follow protocol when coming in for their appointment by washing their hands upon entry and keeping their mask on at all times.

If you would like to have your hair all dreaded up by this fellow Blazer, you can message her on her business Instagram page, @locc.starrr, or contact her by phone at 678-368-5820.

All prices for her services are listed on her page in the highlights section, and she is available throughout the week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and the weekends when she’s on campus.

Written by Torian Gordan, Staff Writer. Photo courtesy of Torian Gordan.

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