1. Respect the government—whether you do or do not agree with the president, respect him and respect those working for our country. 2. Work—it is up to each person to work and provide financial stability for him/herself and the country. 3. Care—helping others succeed will help our country succeed. 4. Accept—the U.S. is a crockpot, not a separated serving tray. ...
Read More »Net neutrality is the bomb.com
by Kenzie Kesselring Net neutrality is one of the most confusing but relevant topics being discussed in the media in the past month. There are a lot of ins and outs to the laws being discussed about net neutrality, but the concept isn’t all that complicated. Net neutrality is the notion that internet providers aren’t allowed to pick and choose ...
Read More »SNL takes on ISIS
by Alex Corbitt Saturday Night Live parodied ISIS’s sympathizers on a recent episode. ISIS, an extremist terrorist organization known for beheading Westerners and gaining support from U.S. sympathizers, is now causing even more debate and controversy thanks to SNL. People seem to be split on the skit, as it parodies both the Super Bowl commercial of a girl getting out ...
Read More »Letter to the Editor: VSU professor stresses the need for humanism in education and politics
(I write this several days before the University of Oklahoma banned SAE for racist behavior.) Readers will know that VSU has been criticized on many fronts over the past several months: draconian budget cuts; alarming faculty reductions; the Mark George debacle. Indeed, the faculty senate contemplated a no confidence motion against members of the administration recently. The administration countered that ...
Read More »Editorial: Drivers/pedestrians need to be more cautious
Every driver has experienced it—some carefree pedestrian taking his or her sweet time to stroll across a busy street. Every pedestrian has gone through it— some irresponsible driver speeding through an intersection in some inexplicable hurry to get nowhere important. Many VSU students have the pleasure of experiencing both sides of the coin because they have to commute to campus ...
Read More »University of Massachusetts at Amherst suddenly revokes policy following backlash
by Kenzie Kesselring The University of Massachusetts at Amherst announced in mid-February that it was going to stop allowing Iranian students to major in some graduate engineering and science programs. This ridiculous and racist decision was made in attempt to comply with the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012, which attempts to lessen the threat of ...
Read More »Tweet Compassion
by Elan Waite We get a bad rep. Our generation, the millennials, is called selfish and self-absorbed on a day-to-day basis. When you look at what is trending on social media, you do not see selfies and pictures of Starbucks cups; you see a side of our humanity that gets ignored amongst the negative stereotype that is being portrayed. There ...
Read More »Time to stop snoozing
by Erin Martin It is the answer to an age-old question: does the early bird get the worm? In studies from Health Ambition, early classes directly correlate to better grades for students. They also note the benefits to your mental and physical health, along with your productivity. University Language Services also notes the smaller and intimate setting of morning classes ...
Read More »Lawmakers push for changes in AP History
by Jordan Hill Like many of us, America has a history—some good, bad and very ugly. That’s the beauty of education. As students, we deserve to know the unbiased truth about what our country has been through. After all, history is known to repeat itself. Oklahoma lawmakers are pushing to change the state’s AP History curriculum. They are pushing to ...
Read More »Editorial: Pay attention to faculty senate issues
Most college students consider themselves to have a very set political stand point, but what about when it comes to the politics that go on within our campus? Does reading that this story will be about university politics, make you want to snatch this paper up and do some research on what’s going on? As a whole, do students even ...
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