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Search Results for: sga

SGA dismisses SAVE proposal

by Joe Adgie   On Monday night, SAVE (Students Against Violating the Environment) went to the SGA for support of their divestment program and didn’t get it. The divestment program concerns requesting the VSU Foundation to “freeze any new investments in the fossil fuel industry and commit to a plan to divest all of its holdings in fossil fuels within ...

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SGA explores safety concerns

by Joe Adgie   Is VSU safe? The SGA asked that question during Monday night’s meeting while discussing ways that campus safety could be improved. This was in response to the stabbing incident that took place late Thursday night. The stabbing was not the first violent incident to occur at VSU this month. Exactly one week before, on Oct. 3, ...

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SGA wants change in transcript policy

by Joe Adgie   If the SGA has its way, students could be forgiven for failing a class if they pass it a second time. That, along with several other issues, was discussed at Monday night’s SGA meeting at the University Center, a meeting that was also marked by the filming of a rap video. Presently, the policy for academic ...

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SGA: Faculty Senate rexamines fall semester break, exam schedule

by Joe Adgie   How about having both a fall break and a full week for Thanksgiving break? Faculty Senate vice president and president-elect, Aubrey Fowler, proposed such a schedule change during Monday’s SGA meeting. The proposal suggested starting fall semester three days earlier, allowing for a return of Fall Break, a full week off at Thanksgiving. These changes also ...

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SGA pulls funding, speaker discusses guns on campus

by Joe Adgie   A speaker came to Monday’s SGA meeting to speak about upcoming legislation that would legalize concealed carry on college campuses, while an organization had its funding removed due to internal issues. The organization is the Film and Video Society, who had asked for $450 during the previous week’s meeting for a screening of the movie “Land ...

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SGA makes a deal

by Joe Adgie   The SGA traded off help for a $450 fee on Monday night. This $450 fee was directed to the Film and Video society for the screening of “Land of Higher Peace”, a Q&A with filmmaker Mark Ezra Stokes, and the rights for VSU students to screen the film whenever they want. For the $450 aid, the ...

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SGA: New members elected to Senate

by Joe Adgie   The SGA continued to fill its ranks on a night that also saw a refresher course on parliamentary procedure and the SGA fumbling on a decision to support the upcoming Mr. VSU pageant. In total, 20 new members of the SGA and one returning member, between the legislative and judicial branches, were sworn in on Monday ...

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SGA gets a visit from McKinney

by Joe Adgie   VSU president Dr. William McKinney spoke to the SGA on a night where four justice nominees were announced and committees were formed. Dr. McKinney and first lady Dacia Charlesworth stayed at Monday night’s meeting for only a brief time but gave an inspirational speech for those in attendance during that short time. “I need you all ...

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Jimerson plans changes for SGA

New SGA president Will Jimerson came to the first meeting of the semester with a road map to success, and left with renewed interest from the senators. That road map is a three-page strategic plan that Jimerson unveiled on Monday night, which discussed changes, improvements and ways to increase the SGA’s visibility among the VSU community. “[This is] everything that ...

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SGA tackles election problems

Written by Joe Adgie   The SGA closed out the 2012-2013 year with a round of goodbyes and some further explanation as to what caused problems during last week’s SGA elections. Ryan Baerwalde, outgoing SGA president, explained that it involved bills that were seemingly vetoed by accident by his predecessor. “I had written quite a few amendments to the bylaws ...

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