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Search Results for: sga

No winners announced in SGA election

Written by Joe Adgie The SGA Elections Board declined to name a winner for any of last week’s elections, stating issues that needed to be reviewed by the judicial and elections boards. Winners in the races for SGA executive board positions were slated to be announced at Monday’s SGA meeting, but instead it was announced that election results must be held until ...

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Senators seek to better SGA

Written by Joe Adgie   Ahead of the SGA elections, senators, executives, and visitors alike expressed their concerns in a town hall social on Monday night. Among the things discussed was the visibility of the SGA senate, the activity of senators, and the website, which has not been updated in some time. The SGA website has received very little updates ...

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SGA OKs funding for weeklong celebration

Written by Joe Adgie   The SGA gave $5,000 to themselves on Monday for their upcoming SGA Week– the largest donation they have given an organization this year. The money will be used to plan an entire week of events to take place April 8 through 12, according to SGA Election Chair Desiray Ward. “The $5,000 was to cover the ...

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Professor, former student address SGA about gun legislation

Written by Joe Adgie   While the University System of Georgia may have spoken against legislation that would permit firearms on college campuses, they may be unable to stop it.   That was discussed during Monday night’s SGA meeting, where Dr. Michael Noll, physics and astronomy professor, and Kathryn Grant, a recent VSU graduate, explained why this legislation would be ...

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No senators slated to run in upcoming SGA elections

Written by Joe Adgie   With an upcoming Friday deadline, interest in the SGA elections may be at an all-time low – so low, that no hopeful senator has yet to turn in their election packet. This issue was mentioned during Monday night’s SGA meeting, where executives lamented the low turnout. In an email sent on Tuesday night, SGA secretary ...

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SGA, not the VSU money machine

Written by Shambree Wartel   Money doesn’t grow on trees—we all know that. That’s why when the RAs from Centennial Hall requested $1,000 for food for an upcoming carnival, despite the fact that they had their own designated budget , SGA was right in denying the funding. The role of SGA is to serve as a liaison between the students ...

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SGA: “Our job is to better VSU”

Written by Stephen Cavallaro & Joe Adgie   Despite maintaining a budget of over $17,500, SGA adhered to the warnings of fellow senators during a meeting on March 4.   It happened after the RAs of Centennial Hall requested $1,000 for food for an upcoming carnival, despite already having a budget for activities.   Senator Yannick Gill discussed the danger ...

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SGA ends with unresolved issues

Written by Joe Adgie   While the SGA wants to boast “We got this!” the Monday night meeting did not appear that way. That slogan appears on a proposed t-shirt that was shown to the SGA by the Public Relations Committee and Senator Micah Howell.  The shirt would be worn by senators, and was designed with the purpose of showcasing ...

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Public presence welcome at SGA

Written by Joe Adgie   An SGA regulation was changed on Monday and a Health Center representative discussed co-pay fees. That happened during the SGA meeting that night at the UC’s Magnolia Room, the first meeting where the public was allowed to sit in during the debate and voting sessions of the meetings. “It’s actually part of the Georgia Sunshine ...

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