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Rants and Raves: October 8th, 2009

Rant Losing Internet   I don’t like the fact that the construction work is interrupting the internet connection in Odum Library.  Usually if you’re on the second and third floor IT will tell you to move to the first floor. Jasmine Coker- Sophomore Biology major Rave Good food at a later time  I like the fact that Salsa Rico Mexican Grill ...

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Apathy for Dummies: written by the Blazers

here’s the spirit? Have students lost their usual Title town fever in favor of the more real flu fever, or has the lack of financial prosperity lightened more than just wallet? Perhaps it is the fault of our usually high powered football team. The students of Valdosta State University need to get up and give back and the root of ...

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People Poll: Which Do You Prefer… Vampires or Zombies?

Brittany Dove Freshmen Public Relations major “Zombies, because vampires are over-rated.” James Earp Junior Mass Media major “Zombies because they freaking kick butt and I would rather be eaten where my body is going to something useful than drained.”          Aerolyn Shaw Sophomore Public Relations major “Vampires, because they are more romantisized than zombies, and they are able to ...

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Freedom of speech should not be an issue

Being aware of the events that have taken place regarding the hanging of the Confederate flag, we must all take a closer look at the issue at hand.  First off, every person of all genders and from every background who is a citizen of the United States of America has a First Amendment right.  By law, it states that Congress ...

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The crazy life of a zombie extra

Rachel Wayne Copy Editor vrwayne@valdosta.edu   “I’m going to be a zombie!” I excitedly told my friends last January. “Huh?” was their usual response. Once I’d gotten the email, I sped to Facebook and trumpeted it for the world (at least as represented by my online friends) to hear. Funny how many people added, “Congratulations” after the “huh,” as though becoming ...

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Rant and Rave of the Week: October 1, 2009

Rant A Foul Smell   Every once in a while I have noticed that the corner where Hopper and the new University Union face each other will have this putrid smell. It smells like a combination of poop and rotten garbage. I have also noticed that there is a grill there so I can only guess that somebody is cooking up ...

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Rant and Rave of the Week: September 24, 2009

Rave A Beautiful Campus  I would like to commend whoever is responsible for making VSU’s campus as beautiful as it is. I would also like to applaud the fact that VSU is working to improve our campus through the renovation of older buildings and the construction of new ones. Through this and the continual expansion of VSU throughout Valdosta, I ...

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BSL joins Tator’s ‘11.6 be part of the fix’ first

he Spectator knows this: BSL rocks!  Black Student League (BSL) for being the first in participating in our pledge to help VSU.  We addressed the student organizations last Tuesday in the student organization meeting, encouraging them to give back to our community.  Recently, the downturn in our economy has led to serious VSU  budget cuts. As a result, VSU has scheduled ...

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People Poll: Which do you prefer: Hopper or Palms?

Cameron Woods Senior Computer Technology major “I’m a commuter student so I don’t really eat there and it’s irrelevant to my campus life.  If I’m going to pay cash, I rather get what I like, so I cook.” Alex Perry Junior Business Management major “I think there should just be one because they both have almost the same thing except ...

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Congress: America’s biggest day care center

By Kenny Bush  The last few weeks have been an unsightly mark in the history of American politics. What’s even worse is that most Americans don’t even realize how bad it has gotten in D.C. To the majority, interrupting a country singer’s VMA speech is more of a travesty than interrupting the Presidentt of the United States before congress.  That’s ...

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